
  • Strategic Planning
    I can design your strategic planning process, conduct stakeholder research, plan and facilitate retreats, and write the strategic plan. I can work with staff, stakeholders, and/or coalition partners to craft a plan for winning an advocacy campaign. (Read about my Strategic Planning Services)
  • Facilitation
    I can facilitate your staff or board retreat, or a coalition-wide governance or agenda-setting meeting.
  • Fundraising
    I can provide training, coaching, and direct assistance in developing your fundraising messaging, tactics, plans, events, and budgets. I have particular expertise in major donor fundraising, membership fundraising, and fundraising events.
  • Communications
    I can help you revamp your messaging to better connect with the public, focused on print and online communications and/or public speaking. I can help you develop a long-range communications plan that will help win short-term campaigns and build your institution.
  • Organizational Development
    I can help you with specific organizational development challenges, such as: board governance; selecting and adapting a new fundraising/communications database; revamping your fiscal management systems; or working with organizational chapters or affiliates.
  • Program Evaluation
    I can help you set up systems to evaluate your programs.   (Read more about my Program Evaluation Consulting)
  • Executive Transitions
    I can help boards (or an outgoing Exec. Director) with transition planning, with identifying the most important attributes of a new Executive Director, and effective hiring processes.  I can also manage a recruitment/hiring process for a new Executive Director. (Read more about my Executive Transition Consulting)
  • Coalition Development
    I can help you through the formation of a coalition, from identifying its purpose, to developing a shared governance, to creating an in initial plan and priorities.
  • Managing Related Organizations
    I have particular expertise in the broad array of challenges that come with managing two or more organizations with formal relationships, such as 501c4 and 501c3s that share staff, branding, and have overlapping governance.

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